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Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0リリース

By 2018-01-301月 31st, 2018Press Release


The Linux Foundationのオープン ブロックチェーン コンソーシアムが2番目の製品利用可能(production-ready)版フレームワークをリリース

2018年1月30日サンフランシスコ発 – 業界の壁を越えたブロックチェーン技術の進化をめざして発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクトHyperledgerは、Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0のリリースを発表しました。The Linux FoundationがホストするHyperledger Sawtoothは、分散台帳を構築、デプロイ、実行するためのモジュラー プラットフォームです。Hyperledger Sawtoothは、2017年7月のHyperledger Fabric 1.0リリースに続いて、2番目に本番用バージョン(1.0)のリリースを達成したアクティブなHyperledgerのプロジェクトです。

Hyperledgerのエグゼクティブ ディレクターであるBrian Behlendorfは次のように述べています。
「1つだけではなく2つのHyperledgerのアクティブなプロジェクトが本番用バージョンのリリースを達成したことに大変興奮しています。これは成長するコミュニティーによる強力なコラボレーションの大きな証です。今年後半にはHyperledger Sawtoothが使用された製品やサービスがさらに増えることを楽しみにしています。」

Hyperledger Sawtoothは、オープンソースの分散台帳フレームワークであり、The Linux Foundationがホストする9件のブロックチェーン / 分散台帳テクノロジーのうちの1つです。Hyperledger Sawtoothは、以下のようなユニークな機能を提供します。

  • オンチェーン ガバナンス – 許可された参加者やスマート コントラクトといったブロックチェーンの構成設定の採決にスマート コントラクトを利用
  • 高度なトランザクション実行エンジン – トランザクションを並行処理し、ブロックの生成と検証を高速化
  • Ethereumをサポート – 堅牢なスマート コントラクトを実行し、Ethereumツールと統合
  • ダイナミック コンセンサス – ネットワークの拡張に伴い即座にブロックチェーン コンセンサス プロトコルをアップグレードまたはスワップし、利用できるよりスケーラブルなアルゴリズムの統合を実現
  • 幅広い開発言語をサポート – Go、JavaScript、Pythonなどを含む任意の言語でスマート コントラクトをプログラム可能

Hyperledger Sawtooth開発は、2016年4月の最初のコード コントリビューションから2017年5月のアクティブ ステータス終了、現在のバージョン1.0リリースまで、大幅な成長を遂げました。Hyperledger Sawtoothはアクティブなコミュニティーによってサポートされています。Amazon Web Services、Active Ticketing、、Cloudsoft、Context Labs、Dot BC Media、Ericsson、Hacera、Huawei、IBM、Intel、Microsoft Azure、Monax、Open Music Initiative、PokitDok、R3、T-Mobile、Wind Riverなどの企業と、50人以上の技術者がプロジェクトに貢献しました。さらに、音楽やメディア コンテンツの権利帰属、ヘルスケア トランザクションの記録、金融サービスの顧客身元確認(KYC)などを含む複数のビジネス ケースをサポートする概念実証(PoC / PoC’s)が行われました。

Hyperledgerは、共通の分散台帳テクノロジーを作成することにより、組織がそれぞれの商取引をサポートするための堅牢で業界に特化したアプリケーション、プラットフォーム、およびハードウェア システムを構築・運用できるようにすることを目指しています。金融、医療、IoT、クレジットカード サービス、サプライチェーン、航空機など、さまざまな業界から185企業・組織のメンバーが参加しています。

コミュニティーの声 (原文)

“Intel is committed to accelerating blockchain adoption through collaborations with industry thought leaders like Hyperledger and The Linux Foundation,” said Rick Echevarria, Vice President, Software and Services Group and General Manager, Platforms Security Division, Intel Corporation. “We are proud of our contributions and the advancements Hyperledger Sawtooth is making in privacy, security and scalability, which are critical enterprise requirements that will enable faster adoption of distributed ledger technology.” Learn more.

“It is exciting and gratifying to see the Hyperledger Sawtooth team publish their 1.0 release,” said Christopher Ferris, Chair of the Hyperledger Technical Steering Committee. “This release demonstrates that the ‘umbrella’ strategy, that Hyperledger has adopted, is working well and delivering on the promise of blockchain technologies for the enterprise.”

“The ticketing industry is crying out for security and immutable state with regards to ticket distribution to mitigate the growing nefarious agents that operate in this space,” said said Martin Vidler, Chief Technology Officer, Active Ticketing PLC. “Utilizing Hyperledger Sawtooth to create on-chain security, user reputation management and secure peer 2 peer transactions has shown that blockchain, focused and applied in the right way has massive benefits to both artists and consumers. We are proud to work in partnership with blockchain engineering specialists from Intel and other Hyperledger members, and this has made the Sawtooth Technology an integral part of Active’s proposition where this technology can benefit the live events industry.” Learn more.

“Our customers are looking to build scalable blockchain solutions for use cases across multiple industries,” said Matt Yanchyshyn, Director Solutions Architecture, Amazon Web Services. “Providing Sawtooth as a turn-key product running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) allows our customers to deploy their own blockchains in a matter of minutes, while reducing the time it takes to run blockchain-based solutions on AWS.” Learn more.

“Engaging with the Hyperledger Sawtooth team and technology has been an amazing experience from start to finish,” said Benji Rogers, Chief Executive Officer, dotBlockchain Media. “We are excited to continue the vital work of creating the global protocol and format for media, rights, identity, authority and communication with Sawtooth and Intel® Software Guard Extensions as its backbone.” Learn more.

“The release of Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0 is a significant milestone for the Hyperledger community and the Enterprise Blockchain space, said Ram Jagadeesan, Distinguished Engineer and CTO of Blockchain at Cisco and Hyperledger Governing Board Member and Chair of Architecture Work Group. “At Cisco, we strongly believe in open source, standards and interoperability, and are excited to see the Sawtooth team reach this milestone and showcase the vibrant and diverse DLT ecosystem developing under the Hyperledger umbrella.” Learn more.

“Huawei welcomes the 1.0 release of Hyperledger Sawtooth,” said Stephen McNamara, Chief Architect Blockchain, Huawei. “Pushing the blockchain configuration onto the chain itself, the addition of “un-pluggable” consensus rules, and parallel transaction execution are all valuable additions to the platform. We look forward to trying it further now that the GA release is complete.” Learn more.

“Monax has very much enjoyed the pleasure of working with the Sawtooth team to bring flexible, fast, and secure blockchain technology into the real world,” said Casey Kuhlman, CEO, Monax. “Sawtooth’s design has allowed the team to leverage prior work from other Hyperledger projects embracing the essence of what the best open source projects are meant to do. We look forward to continuing to work together in driving forward the cutting edge of blockchain technology.” Learn more.

“The Open Music Initiative is proud to have selected Hyperledger Sawtooth as it’s reference platform,” said Panos A. Panay, Vice President, Innovation and Strategy, Berklee College of Music; co-founder Open Music Initiative. “Blockchain is developing to be a crucial technology for ensuring that creators and rights owners are appropriately identified and compensated across the entire value chain of the music industry. We are excited to see Sawtooth reach this milestone of maturity.” Learn more.

“As the first company to demonstrate a working solution of full hardware-based consensus and smart contract computation on blockchain, PokitDok relies on Hyperledger Sawtooth and The Linux Foundation to help us protect sensitive information, code, and data, while at the same time scaling these computational complexities,” said Ted Tanner Jr., Co-Founder and CTO, PokitDok. Learn more.

“Hyperledger Sawtooth is a unique blockchain platform because of its native integration with Intel® Software Guard Extensions. Another special feature is that smart contracts can be written in multiple programming languages including Java and Python,” said Shinam Arora, CEO, Primechain Technologies. “Primechain Technologies is working on developing a KYC system and a Financial Instrument Lifecycle Management solution on Hyperledger Sawtooth. We are also working on integrating Sawtooth in our blockchain appliance.” Learn more.

“As early partners on Hyperledger Sawtooth, we witnessed first-hand the innovative approach Intel takes to solving some of the mutual challenges faced by enterprise blockchain platforms,” said Todd McDonald, Co-Founder and Head of Partnerships, R3. “We are delighted to see them reach this milestone and look forward to continuing our work together.” Learn more.

“State Bank of India (SBI) is leveraging Hyperledger Sawtooth for our blockchain applications like Smart Contracts, KYC, AML, Consortium Lending, Reconciliation and others,” said Sudin Baraokar, IT Innovation Advisor to SBI. “SBI is working with PrimeChain Technologies and BankChain, an alliance of 30+ banks, in efforts to launch and deploy several production-ready Blockchain solutions in 2018.” Learn more.

“As the Un-carrier, T-Mobile approaches the wireless industry differently, from the customer experience to pushing the limits of the technologies that power our business and service,” said Warren McNeel, Senior Vice President, Digital Technology and Development, T-Mobile. “Using Hyperledger Sawtooth as a platform, the company created Sawtooth Hyper Directory as an Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution, and we’re excited to continue to develop new solutions on the platform that can help add value and functionality for both customers and our business.” Learn more.

“Given its potential benefits, the significance of blockchain has increasingly grown in recent times. The Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0 platform can provide important infrastructure elements that enable the delivery of open commercial grade software components ledger for IoT devices,” said Michel Genard, General Manager, Operating Systems, Wind River. “Using this platform, it will be possible to track essential information about the open source in use, including security vulnerabilities, license compliance artifacts and cryptography technologies. We look forward to continuing our work with this project.” Learn more.

“Filament supports Hyperledger Sawtooth out of the box on our blockchain-native hardware, the Blocklet Chip™,” said Allison Clift-Jennings, CEO, Filament. “We currently have several Sawtooth IoT blockchain pilots underway that are designed to deliver trusted verification, interaction and full transaction capability in markets such as transportation and energy. Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0 is the next step in enabling scalable and trusted distributed ledgers for these environments that need to physically trace assets and verify data in a blockchain.” Learn more.


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Hyperledgerは、ブロックチェーン技術を進化させるために発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクトで、分散台帳向けの業界の壁を越えたオープン スタンダードに必要な重要機能に取り組んでいます。金融、銀行、IoT、サプライチェーン、製造、技術などの分野のリーダー企業によるグローバル コラボレーションです。The Linux Foundation が傘下の共同開発プロジェクトとしてHyperledgerをホストしています。詳細についてはこちらを参照してください。


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