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Hyperledgerがグローバル リーチを拡大 – さまざまな業界・地域から新メンバーが加入

By 2018-03-284月 1st, 2018Press Release

2018年3月28日サンフランシスコ発 – 業界の壁を越えたブロックチェーン技術の進化をめざして発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクトHyperledgerは、新たに14社が加盟したことを発表しました。今回の新加入により、Hyperledgerは25カ国以上から231社が参加するコミュニティへと成長しました。

Hyperledgerは、マルチ プロジェクト / マルチ ステークホルダー プロジェクトとしての重要な牽引力を強めており、現在10件のビジネス ブロックチェーンおよび分散台帳テクノロジーに取り組んでいます。1月末に行われたHyperledger Sawtooth 1.0 リリースに続き、Hyperledger技術運営委員会は先日ブロックチェーンのパフォーマンス ベンチマーク ツール「Hyperledger Caliper」をインキュベーションに受け入れました。さらに先週にはHyperledger Fabric 1.1.0がリリースされました。

Hyperledgerのエグゼクティブ ディレクターであるBrian Behlendorfは、次のように述べています。
「さまざまな業界や地域全体でHyperlegerの成長と採用が加速していることは、コミュニティとそのテクノロジーの力を明確に示しています。それはまた、ブロックチェーンがビジネスもたらすインパクトに世界が目覚めたことも表しています。成長し続ける多様なメンバーシップは、エネルギーとイノベーションをビジネス クリティカルなデプロイメントに欠かせないビルディング ブロックに変える重要な鍵となります。」

Hyperledgerは、企業グレードのオープンソースによる分散台帳フレームワークとコードベースを作成することにより、組織がそれぞれの商取引をサポートするための堅牢で業界に特化したアプリケーション、プラットフォーム、およびハードウェアシステムを構築できるようにすることをめざしています。金融、銀行、IoT、サプライチェーン、製造、技術などの分野のリーダー企業を含むグローバル コラボレーションです。今回加盟したゼネラル メンバーは、Beijing Truth Technology、Blockchain Technology Partners、CULedger、Greenstream Technology、KompiTech、MATRIX Foundation、REMME、Ripple、Shenzhen Rongxun Technology、Spin Systems、Versia、Xiilab Co.です。

Hyperledgerは、さまざまな組織や個人の貢献や参加を尊重するオープンなコミュニティの育成を目指しています。そのため、事前承認された非営利のオープンソース プロジェクトや自治体は、会費なしのアソシエイト(賛助)メンバーとしてHyperledgerに参加できます。今回アソシエイト メンバーに参加した組織は、Cambridge Centre For Alternative Finance (University of Cambridge) とKerala Blockchain Academyです。

新メンバーの声 (原文)

Beijing Truth Technology

“Truth Tech views the adoption of blockchain technology as a powerful tool for helping us accelerate our mission of developing a universal legal blockchain underlying infrastructure,” said Rokken Shek, Founder, Beijing Truth Technology Co., Ltd. “We are actively aggregating the leading technology and resources of Hyperledger and collaborating with the community on our industrial blockchain – a unified, legally trustworthy cloud computing platform designed to eliminate isolated information islands, ensure data security, promote the valuable flow of data and enhance the government authority and service level of judiciary in public data service. Additionally, we are actively constructing the ‘Legaltech Blockchain Alliance,’ called legalXchain, by using Hyperledger Fabric as the framework to serve intelligent judiciary, Internet nomocracy, Internet governance transparency, copyright protection and digital assets trading.”

Blockchain Technology Partners

“After being an active member of the Hyperledger community for the past two years at my previous company, Cloudsoft, engaging with the community at BTP was a priority,” said Duncan Johnston-Watt, CEO of Blockchain Technology Partners. “BTP is committed to both consuming and contributing to open source. We provide a production ready blockchain platform built using Hyperledger Sawtooth, and we partner with businesses to deliver blockchain-based solutions that we then operate on their behalf using Apache Brooklyn. Our first customer is The Scotcoin Project, which is the community interest company behind Scotcoin, Scotland’s digital currency.”


“Until now, CULedger’s involvement in Hyperledger has been through our valued partners,” said Julie Esser, Chief Engagement Officer of CULedger. “We are excited and honored to have this direct relationship with Hyperledger to help advance our global self-sovereign digital identity strategy for the more than 230 million credit union members worldwide.”

Greenstream Technology

“We are honoured to become members of Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation,” said Manu Varghese, Chief Product Officer of Greenstream. “We strongly believe that this association will support Greenstream as we achieve our vision of developing a secure, compliant & trusted enterprise grade blockchain solution for the emerging legal Cannabis industry in Canada. The collaboration through Hyperledger will provide us the resources, tools and relationships to ramp up our development of the Greenstream platform. We are excited to actively participate in the community and to drive the development of a leading-edge blockchain solution for the Canadian market.”


“It has been really exciting working with Hyperledger in recent months, and KompiTech is delighted to join the Hyperledger family,” said Greg Erhahon, CEO, KompiTech. “As a Swiss company dedicated to the delivery of quality services, we recognize the impact blockchain technology can have in optimizing our processes and helping our customers to get things done in the real world. With the power of blockchain, our platform of IT Service Providers has the potential to vastly reduce cost and complexity of delivering IT Services to customers globally.”

MATRIX Foundation

“It is our great honor to join the Hyperledger community,” said Steve DengMATRIX Chief AI Scientist. “Following the spirit of openness and global collaboration, Hyperledger has done a great job in promoting scalable and safe blockchain technologies, which are coincident with MATRIX’s pursuit to build a faster, safer and easier-to-use platform running AI-empowered smart contracts. We look forward to working with other members of Hyperledger to make contributions for a human society with an unprecedented level of freedom and trust.”


“The REMME PKI (d) protocol we’re building makes use of Hyperledger Sawtooth, so joining the project came naturally,” said Alex Momot, Founder and CEO, REMME. “We’re big admirers, not only of this blockchain technology, but of the people behind it. While we’re currently focused on building out the alpha release of the REMME Core protocol, we anticipate collaborating directly with other members of Hyperledger in future. By doing so, we hope to further adoption and understanding of blockchains and the many ways in which they can benefit business across all industries.”


“Through our partnership with Hyperledger, developers worldwide will be able to access Interledger Protocol (ILP) in Java for enterprise use,” Stefan Thomas, Ripple CTO. “The Hyperledger Quilt project connects Hyperledger blockchains with other ILP-capable payment systems such as XRP Ledger, Ethereum, Bitcoin (Lightning), Litecoin, Mojaloop and RippleNet, helping us to deliver on our vision for an Internet of Value – where money moves as information does today.”

Shenzhen Rongxun Technology

“The core potential of blockchain is the characteristics of the distributed database and how it helps transparency, security, and efficiency,” said Qian Zheng, Rongxun Technology Blockchain Leader. “Rongxun Technology is delighted to join Hyperledger, as it is an important step in blockchain for us. We look forward to working with various Hyperledger communities and business partners to promote the development of blockchain technology.”

Spin Systems, Inc.

“We are excited to work alongside our customers and partners to develop blockchain solutions for the financial, legal and healthcare industries,“ said Mr. Wael Ali, CEO, Spin Systems Inc. “We see a clear opportunity for innovative technology companies to address the cost, interoperability, and data security challenges across these organizations. Our partnership with The Linux Foundation and Hyperledger reinforces our commitment to using open standards and platforms for building highly scalable blockchain applications.”


“At Versia, we are excited to be part of the evolution of Blockchain,” said Manu Mosteiro, Founder and CEO, Versia. “Innovation is in our DNA and we want to share it with the Hyperledger community and collaborate in the development of this technology that will change the way we do business and surely other areas of social behaviour.”


“Xiilab is excited to join Hyperledger and looks forward to collaborating on our goal to deliver our solution,” said Wooyung Lee, CEO, Xiilab. “Our solution is to provide Data Trading for any creative Digital Assets with a fast, fair and transparent environment. We look forward to working with our members, business partners, clients and the diverse Hyperledger community to bring a comprehensive and, yet, crucial solution to the Digital Trading market.”

Hyperledger について

Hyperledterは、業界の壁を越えたブロックチェーン技術の進化をめざして発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクトです。金融、銀行、IoT、サプライチェーン、製造、技術などの分野のリーダー企業によるグローバル コラボレーションです。The Linux Foundationが傘下の共同開発プロジェクトとしてHyperledgerをホストしています。詳細についてはこちらを参照してください。

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