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By 2018-05-307月 1st, 2018Press Release

急成長する多様なメンバーシップ − エンタープライズ ブロックチェーンのイノベーションと導入を加速

2018年5月30日サンフランシスコ発 – 業界の壁を越えたブロックチェーン技術の進化をめざして発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクト Hyperledger は、新たに16企業・組織が加盟し、2018年新たに加盟したメンバーが67社に上ることを発表しました。The Linux Foundationがホストするグローバル コラボレーションであるHyperledgerには、現在235以上の企業・組織が参加しています。

Hyperledgerは、マルチ プロジェクト / マルチ ステークホルダー プロジェクトとしての重要な牽引力を強めており、現在10件のビジネス ブロックチェーンおよび分散台帳テクノロジーに取り組んでいます。メンバーシップの急速な拡大は、イノベーションを推進しエンタープライズ ブロックチェーンの幅広い分野における導入を加速させます。

Hyperledgerのエグゼクティブ ディレクターであるBrian Behlendorfは、次のように述べています。
「Consensus 2018で実証した通り、Hyperledgerコミュニティはさまざまな産業分野で実際のシステムにブロックチェーンを導入する最前線にいます。ヘルスケアから銀行、デジタル アイデンティティ管理に至るまで、メンバー企業は拡張 / 接続 / 相互運用する分散台帳コードとユースケースの両方を開発しています。このように加速する成長は、エンタープライズ ブロックチェーンの広がりと、テクノロジーとビジネス モデルを進化させるコミュニティ ベースのアプローチに対する認識の高まりを示しています。」

Hyperledgerは、企業グレードのオープンソースによる分散台帳フレームワークとコードベースを作成することにより、組織がそれぞれの商取引をサポートするための堅牢で業界に特化したアプリケーション、プラットフォーム、およびハードウェア システムを構築できるようにすることをめざしています。今回加盟したゼネラル メンバーは、BlackRidge Technology、Blockdaemon、Chengdu Chiwu Software Technologies、China Systems Holdings Limited、Evernym、Experian、iownit capital and markets, Inc.、Kakaopay、Lucidity、Pokitdok、Thinktecture AG です。これらの企業は今月プレミア メンバーとして加盟したドイツ銀行と協力します(*1)。
(*1) 2018年5月16日発表文 : ドイツ銀行が Hyperledger のプレミア メンバーに

Hyperledgerは、さまざまな組織や個人の貢献や参加を尊重するオープンなコミュニティの育成を目指しています。そのため、事前承認された非営利のオープンソース プロジェクトや自治体は、会費なしのアソシエイト (賛助) メンバーとしてHyperledgerに参加できます。今回アソシエイト メンバーに参加した組織は、Budapest University of Technology and Economics、Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI)、MIT Connection Science、National Institute of Telecommunications (Ministry of Digital Affairs Poland) です。

新メンバーの声 (原文)

BlackRidge Technology

“BlackRidge is excited to join Hyperledger to collaborate and contribute in the area of securing enterprise blockchain services from advanced insider and cyber threats,” said Mike Miracle, SVP Marketing and Strategy, BlackRidge Technology. “We have been working with Hyperledger member IBM and Marist College to research and test additional network security and cyber-attack protection for hybrid and cloud-based blockchain services based on Hyperledger Fabric. Joining Hyperledger provides us with access to additional technical and marketing resources to help accelerate our mission of extending an identity-based trust model to the underlying network and server infrastructure that implements blockchain services.”


“Blockdaemon is handling the practical implications of deploying and managing any major blockchain networks on its ground-breaking decentralized infrastructure,” said Konstantin Richter, CEO, Blockdaemon. “Simple 3-click deployments and developer tools make it the Heroku for blockchain. The goals of Hyperledger align very well with our vision, and we are excited to be working closely with this community to simplify the process of deploying nodes and creating scalable enterprise blockchain solutions.”

Chengdu Chiwu Software

“We are very pleased to join the Hyperledger community,” said Mr. Shang Yi, President,THI WU. “Blockchain is rising rapidly and changing the world. We are also rapidly absorbing, learning and growing. We are looking forward to collaborating with other members in this diverse community and contributing to Hyperledger.”

China Systems Holdings Limited

“As a recognized leader in providing Trade Finance, Supply Chain Finance and Payments solutions for the financial industry, China Systems is delighted to join the growing Hyperledger community,” said Chris Tseng, Chairman, China Systems. “This move complements and future-proofs our channel and messaging capabilities with financial networks, such as SWIFT, where Hyperledger has also been selected. Leveraging advanced technology such as DLT to drive business improvements is in China Systems’ DNA. China Systems has been actively using Hyperledger in a number of business scenarios, and we find the technology fascinating and innovative in the same breath.”

Deutsche Bank

“As a Premier member, we’re hoping our expertise and global network will help advance open source distributed ledger technologies and allow us to better serve the complex needs of our clients, who look to us to improve their and their trade partners’ financial endeavors,” said Jon Pearson, Head of Deutsche Bank Labs United Kingdom and Ireland.


“Since deciding to contribute the code that has come to be known as project Indy, we’ve held Hyperledger in very high regard,” said Timothy Ruff, CEO, Evernym. “Its vital role in moving distributed ledger technology and its tremendous efficiencies and benefits into the enterprise cannot be overstated. This is our goal as well. As such, it’s only natural for Evernym to officially join Hyperledger.”


“We are thrilled to continue our ongoing support of Hyperledger’s collaborative effort to create and advance cross-industry blockchain technologies,” said Vijay Mehta, senior vice president, advanced technology group, Experian Consumer Information Services. “As part of our culture of innovation, we are constantly exploring new ideas to use the power of data to help people and businesses make better decisions.”

iownit capital and markets, Inc.

“We are excited to join Hyperledger and become part of a growing community advancing the distributed ledger technology standards,” said Rashad Kurbanov, CEO of iownit capital and markets, Inc. “iownit is building a next generation financial markets platform that leverages blockchain technology to radically simplify and streamline capital formation process. While still young, blockchain is a transformative technology that will reshape financial services industry, and we are proud to be at the forefront of this effort. We look forward to working with the Hyperledger community and making it stronger.”


“Kakaopay provides the most innovative online identification service in Korea by leveraging blockchain technology,” said Hoya Na, Chief Technology Officer of Kakaopay. “We are excited to join Hyperledger and The Linux Foundation. This cutting-edge technology will empower us to introduce a new way to collaborate with customers and partners in payment services and financial businesses.”


“The power of blockchain is the power to create trust and transparency in industries that desperately need both,” said Sam Kim, Lucidity CEO. “It’s a challenge that must be taken on collectively, as there are still technologies to build and standards to refine. That’s why we’re excited to be joining Hyperledger, a collaborative effort to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. Together with Hyperledger, we look forward to advancing the real-world applicability of blockchain technology.”


“We are delighted to be a part of the Hyperledger and The Linux Foundation community,” said Ted Tanner Jr., PokitDok Co-Founder and CTO. “Hyperledger is the reference for creating enterprise-grade blockchain systems and is proof positive that the network effect will prosper in years to come, with collaboration occurring within the open source industry.”

Thinktecture AG

“We are excited to become members of Hyperledger and The Linux Foundation, to support the open source ecosystem, and to further extend our capabilities as a technology specialist for cross-platform, cloud and blockchain applications,” said Ingo Rammer, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Thinktecture. “We provide tools and services to make permissioned blockchain networks easier to deploy, manage, and monitor. Given that Hyperledger Fabric is one of the most advanced open-source platforms for enterprise-grade blockchain networks, we have chosen it as one of the core supported technologies and look forward to working more closely with the Hyperledger projects to accelerate the adoption of distributed ledger technologies in different industries.”

Hyperledger について

Hyperledterは、業界の壁を越えたブロックチェーン技術の進化をめざして発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクトです。金融、銀行、IoT、サプライチェーン、製造、技術などの分野のリーダー企業によるグローバル コラボレーションです。The Linux Foundationが傘下の共同開発プロジェクトとしてHyperledgerをホストしています。詳細についてはこちらを参照してください

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